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What is a Life Coach? A Life Coach is a professional who is there for you and helps you create goals, stay accountable for your goals, and actually reach your goals. So what kind of person needs a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is really for anybody. Whether you are trying to get through a tough semester at school, or figure out your next career move, or finish a housing project – a life coach is someone that can assist you through almost any problem that you have*. There are different kinds of life coaches too, so you have to find one that specializes in the area that you are looking for help with.

For example, we specialize in resumes, interviewing, finding a career that you love, budgeting, and anything related to work and career and balancing that with your personal life!

Let’s take a look at the benefits and 5 big reasons why you need a coach:

1.       Get you on the right path

Most of the time, people know they have a problem or that something is wrong or that they want to change, but they don’t know what to do or where to start! That is where a coach comes in. A Life Coach can listen to your story and all the things you have going on, and based on what you’re experiencing, they can help you pinpoint what areas you need to work on and change. Sometimes the hardest part is figuring out why you feel defeated with your relationship, or unhappy going into your job every morning – you need someone who can take a look at the problem from the outside and help you narrow down the area that needs to be worked on.


2.       Help you see a different perspective

Having someone who doesn’t know you personally give you perspective on your life can often be life-changing. We are so trapped in our daily thoughts, emotions and ways of living that it is often hard to take a step back and see a given situation for what it really is. A coach is great at seeing your problem or issue from not only the “outside”, but also from a different perspective that you maybe haven’t thought of yet. Maybe the issue or problem you identified really isn’t the main issue that needs to be changed. Maybe that person you are frustrated with all the time isn’t the source of your anger. Maybe the anxiety you feel waking up every morning isn’t about the work you do but the people you work with. Life is so complex and a coach can help you see the situation from a different point of view and create goals around the real and underlying problem or concern you might have.


3.       Create milestones

The key to achieving goals is creating milestones. But creating milestones are hard! We live in a culture where we want everything immediately, but in reality, many goals cannot and will not be achieved at the speed we desire. Most goals actually aren’t achieved because they are very unrealistic! A coach will take the high level goal you would like to achieve, and create attainable milestones for you that they know you will be able to achieve. These milestones could be daily, weekly, or monthly – they are completely tailored to the individual person and their goal and what they can handle and achieve. These milestones also allow you as the client to have small, attainable mini goals that you can “cross off your list”, which leaves you feeling accomplished and gives you the satisfaction that you are moving towards your larger goal – which you are!

4.       Keep you accountable

One of the hardest things with long-term goals is staying accountable. When you are trying to reach a goal by yourself, it is really easy to take breaks, or slack off, or push your milestones out. Why a coach is great to have is because they are there to keep you accountable. When you have someone who you know you need to report your milestones to, you will be so much more likely to meet the goals than if you were doing it alone. A coach is there to support you, to push you, and challenge you – but at the end of the day, they are there to keep you accountable and make sure that despite what goes on in your life, you are achieving the milestones that you have set together to reach your bigger goal.


5.       Relieve stress

Having a coach can really help release tension, anxiety, and stress. The reason? All of the before four points we mentioned! Having someone to help you find and create your goal, develop milestones, and keep you accountable can really take the pressure off. Because now you just need to focus on actually completing the steps rather than worrying about creating milestones or keeping yourself accountable for them. The coach is there to basically take away all of the work that isn’t directly related to working on the goal itself. They are there to do all the other work, make it easier, and allow you to focus solely on the goal itself – hence making it less stressful for you as the client overall.

We hope this article has inspired you to think about your goals, or better yet, hire a Life Coach! As mentioned, we specialize in resumes, interviewing, finding a career that you love, budgeting, and anything related to work and career and balancing that with your life! For more information on our coaching services, contact us here or at doubletake.lifestyle@yahoo.com.

*A life coach is not a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. For mental health issues, we recommend speaking to either a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist. Please let us know if you would like more information on how to find one.