
Welcome to our world of Travel, Fashion, Lifestyle & Food through the eyes of  a mother-daughter duo.



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I have never been the type to keep a diary, although I remember during my “misunderstood teenager years” I did try to scribble down my thoughts. It was helpful in getting my teenage anger out, writing down things I could never tell or yell at my parents out of respect or maybe out of healthy fear. Well, apparently quarantine changes us all…

Since early March, it was becoming apparent that sooner or later we will have a state-wide stay-at-home order. I tried to prepare and acquire all the essentials for us to be able to function for two weeks without leaving the house if needed, which, besides the usual grocery items, included lots of wine and hair color. You thought I was silly, right? But now all of you are jealous of me having no grays at all! Instead of buying up all the TP, you could have grabbed a few boxes of hair color…just saying. Thinking of our workout routine, I even purchased yoga mats, small weights, a jump-rope and an exercise ball literally the day before everything closed down. I had big plans for Victoria and myself for trying to stay in shape. Big. Plans.

First week of Quarantine:

yoga mats, weights, and jump rope in te back of a car trunk

Friday: Got up at the usual time, made my coffee with an added scoop of collagen powder (I was just enlightened recently of how much I need this in my life). Well, not sure if it is doing anything but I am giving it a try. Back in bed with my coffee and my laptop, CNN is on, watching the news as the new reality sinks in. We are not going anywhere today. Made some calls, talked to my parents and to my oldest who are all back in Budapest, comparing notes on what our new life looks like. Victoria is sleeping in, it is past 10 a.m., oh well, it is practically the weekend, right?

Saturday: I made the executive decision that today we will workout together. I have a plan, already set up the mats in our living room. I will try to recreate the F45 workout we have been obsessed with and missing so much. Weights laid out, jump rope is ready, my phone is set to time our 45 second workouts with 15 second rest time. My daughter reminds me we live on the top floor so maybe I should not jump so hard…she might have a point. I feel accomplished, this is going to be great, we will work out everyday or maybe every other day at least and will stay in top shape!

Sunday: Today is my son’s 25th birthday and I am really sad. Considering Christopher is working for Trader Joe’s, we decided it is best if we postpone celebrating his special day together. We have not seen him for over a week since we brought over Pippy, his dog, my first “grandchild” to our house, to help him out considering his crazy workload. But I wanted to do something for him, so we picked up a cake from Cheesecake Factory and drove it over. He could hug his fur-baby and we could wish him a happy birthday from 6 feet apart outside his apartment building on the street…We drove home. I was crying.

paprika chicken dish with homemade dumplings on a white plate on the balcony.

Tuesday: So excited! Victoria wants to cook with me, this is going to be special, the two of us in the kitchen. We can make something yummy and pretty and post it on the blog. After we can start binge watching our favorite shows. Too bad Killing Eve does not start until late April! I wish the weather was nicer. I need sunshine, so we can sit outside on our balcony. But than again, if it was sunny, would I want to run around and not stay home? Ugh, still rather have sunshine.

Thursday: I think I want to bake something today but every recipe I looked up calls for yeast. After going through my cabinets, of course that is the only thing I do not have at home. No problem, I will search online, shouldn’t be hard to get. After hours on the computer, no luck. Will continue the search tomorrow. Finally sunny and warm today, time to move dinner out to the balcony, feels like sitting in a restaurant. Reality check: time to take Pips out for a walk…

chicken paprika with homemade dumplings

Second week of Quarantine:

Friday: We survived a week of quarantine and we still love each other. I am impressed. We are disciplined and doing our part. I think I am low on wine, not sure how or why. Oh well, I will get some more when I pick up the yeast, which I was not able to locate as of yet. Starting to worry.

Sunday: All my favorite coaches in Budapest are posting great workout videos online, including my favorite step instructors. Crap, I do not own a step pad. Hmm, maybe I can order one. Damn, those things are so expensive, who would have thought?? Not sure I want to spend that much money for a few weeks of Quarantine. But I want to step dance!!! In the garage…

Monday: I am going to do step dance. I need to dance!!! Maybe I could borrow one from our club? I am messaging a friend and will beg for help. I know she can help, I will be dancing in my garage soon! Speaking of the garage, I brought several boxes of games up for Victoria and I to play. Scrabble, Rummy Cube, Monopoly. She does not seem very excited. But I am sure we are going to have fun. Still no yeast. I am dangerously low on wine. I wonder why…

Tuesday: My friend came through and I have a step pad to pick up. Finally, I am going to dance today in my garage. OK, I have looked on every single store website, called a dozen places, and no yeast anywhere in San Diego or the entire United States. What the hell is going on? First toilet paper now yeast??? Does not even make any sense. Most my friends cannot even cook for god’s sake, no offense, and all of a sudden everyone is becoming a french patisserie?

women in a zebra print bandanna

Wednesday: It is time to go grocery shopping. I am proud of myself, normally I would go to the store every single day as a true European and now I have not been shopping for over 10 days. I am all prepared, found couple of bandannas in my sewing box (yes, I can sew). Anyways, gloves, bandanna, Clorox wipes, extra garbage bag to put inside the shopping cart for extra protection. Credit cards added to my Google Pay App for contact-less pay. And a huge list we created together with Victoria, adding each day what we might need, what we crave or want to cook. First on the list: WINE FOR MOM… OMG, what a hassle this was! Danger lingers everywhere! What do I touch, how do I open the freezer door, putting on gloves just punching in my loyalty number, why is EVERYONE coughing? It took me two hours getting through two stores including the wait to get in and finding the stuff, which, I was impressed with because the only thing I could not get was of course yeast. Seriously people! At home, cleaning it all off, dirty side of counter, disinfected side of counter, spraying everything, getting rid of boxes and wrappers, and finally putting it all away. Jeez, this is a full time job, took me hours, I think I need a glass of wine. NOW!


Thursday: It’s my birthday! Diana called me first as always to wish me Happy Birthday, Victoria got me pretty flowers, she made home made cards from both of them which I love! We video chatted with Diana all day, while Victoria was baking her first cake from scratch with Diana’s help. Laughing together for hours, just not in the same room….cry. Lots of calls from everyone, fun day at home. My tennis team arranged a Zoom Cocktail Hour, it was so fun to see everyone (as soon as some were finally able to figure out how to turn on their cameras). Time to take Pips for his evening walk…

Third week of Quarantine:

Saturday: Lazy Saturday, no special plans LOL. Victoria convinced me to watch Love Island Australia last night! OMG, what is happening to me? I do not watch reality TV at all. I was going to read but I have to admit this is very interesting, and the guys are well, pretty hot…and their “accent” from down under is super sexy, they don’t seem very smart though but whatever…I think I am mindlessly entertained.


Sunday: After sleeping for about 14 hours, finally emerging from her room, Victoria refused to workout with me. So, I went down to the garage again to do another online step class. I saw some strange people trying to peak into my garage… creepers, go to your own gym! I want to play scrabble today. Victoria is being resistant. I am thinking of a bribe. The bribe did not work, I do not want my brain-cells to die, I am playing alone…

Monday: If for lunch I am making hot food, does that mean I don’t have to cook dinner? Apparently does not, the question of “what are you making for dinner” is already ringing in my ear. I am starting to think we eat more than normal. Or it seems. Kind of sick of cooking. Maybe I should step on the scale…maybe not. Time to walk the dog.

Tuesday: School is back on and Victoria has an 8 a.m. class online. Not going to be a happy day. She is pissed. She might not love me anymore….I think I am going to concentrate on finding yeast. This is my major life goal right now. I want to bake. I want to make chocolate pinwheels, a Hungarian favorite. I do not feel like working out.


Wednesday: I am online and doing my usual hopeless search and finally located YEAST!!!! Target came through and according to their website, they have few packets of yeast left in a close by location. I called them right away - no, I cannot purchase it online, no curbside pickup, and no, they cannot even put it on hold for me. Why, oh why?!? Whatever, I want it, I am going to get it. I tie the bandanna around my neck so I can cover my face, grab gloves and race down to my car, driving 80 miles on hour on Mira Mesa blvd, pulling into the first spot I see. Not even getting a cart but running through the store straight to the baking aisle. There you are, I am gonna cry! What a beautiful sight! All the way down on the bottom shelf, the last few packets of yeast. I am filled with joy and happiness! No need to work out today.

chocolate pinwheels covered in powdered sugar on a white plate

Thursday: Have you ever seen The Great British Baking Show? One of our favorites to watch and now it is happening in my kitchen. It is baking time finally! Chose a recipe I think will give me the best results, doubled the coco powder as I determined it was not going to be chocolaty enough. Wow, it did turn out pretty great and the smell of chocolate! Oh my, I have to try one right now! Let me try another….OK, I made them smaller than what you see in stores, so two or three is like eating one large. I will let Pips take me for a walk after eating the third…

Fourth week of Quarantine

Friday : Now that I think of it, I am not 100% sure that I took a shower yesterday. I just cannot remember. Hmm, days are becoming fuzzy. Have you noticed that when you wake up, you need to look at your phone to confirm what day it is? I think I will just wear jeans today for the fun of it as I have been living in yoga and sweat pants for the last 3 weeks. If my jeans still fit. I will squeeze myself in, no problem. Maybe I take the dog for a walk if he wants to go.

Saturday: It is Diana’s birthday today! I cannot believe I am not celebrating with her. I planned on going home in April to surprise her but of course it did not happen. I ordered her flowers online, hopefully they deliver it in the morning. I tried to find a dairy free bakery who could deliver a cake for her but it was absolutely impossible, everything is shut down. Thank goodness my mom offered to bake one and bring it over to her. Would have been very sad if she didn’t have a birthday cake. I also set up a family video call, oh boy, it took us a few hours to train everyone to find the “turn your camera on” button but at the end it was a success! Our 4th quarantine birthday, why are we all spring chicks? Still waiting for Diana’s birthday gifts to arrive…


Monday: It is Easter Monday in Europe, a national holiday. Not that it makes any difference considering we have been home for almost 4 weeks by now, but to get into the spirits, I got us supplies to paint eggs yesterday. I ended up doing it alone because Victoria was not in a festive spirit. At all. Oh well, made myself a pretty plate with ham, eggs and my freshly baked Kalacs/Challah bread using my hard earned yeast of course.

Wednesday: I have not worked out for about a week. I feel bad but I have zero motivation. The weather sucks, it rains a lot. Victoria is not being social at all. I need to go to the store and I am dreading it. Mood is low, so is my wine stock. Someone is feeling very hormonal…

Thursday: It is 10 a.m. and my fur grand-baby does not want to get out of his bed and take his morning walk. We are getting up later and later every day. I am not sure what we are going to do today but I am sort of bored and starting to feel a bit down. When will our life be normal again? Talked to my parents, as I do often and they are worried we cannot travel all year. That means I will not be able to go home. My parents have always been good at lifting my spirits when I am down (not). They believe in the truth. Right now I would like some lies instead. I am going to cry. I need to plan a trip. I need to get out of this f…apartment!!! Taking the dog for his third walk.

5th week of Quarantine:

I decided not to count the days or weeks anymore. It is just another Friday. I also decided I am not writing anymore. I am sort of over it…yes, maybe a little burned out. Diaries have never been my thing anyways. I’d rather just go outside. I wish I could go to the beach! I guess I just take Pipsy for another walk…

Kidding aside, we understand that it is extremely hard on everyone to stay isolated, not being able to be with your family and friends, not being able to work or just do all the daily activities we are so used to. We are also grateful to all the doctors, nurses and essential workers for their commitment and hard work. We need to do our part by staying at home. In case you feel emotionally down or need help with making plans for your future, we are here to help you.

For 1-1 coaching sessions and support during this time, please contact us here or at doubletake.lifestyle@yahoo.com.

Let us know how we can help!