
Welcome to our world of Travel, Fashion, Lifestyle & Food through the eyes of  a mother-daughter duo.



Do blondes have more fun? This is a timeless questions I myself can attest to and say with absolute certainty that it is definitely true. There is nothing more amazing than beautiful blonde locks, long or short, flowing down the side of ones face by the beach, in the city, or sitting at a cafe drinking a cappuccino. Just like with any other hair color, blondes are stereotyped for the way that we look. People assume we are more fun, outgoing, and laid back. They think we love to drink, party hard, and that we will be the life of any social affair. They consider us to be care-free. These are all great, but what about the other end of the spectrum? Have you ever heard a blonde joke before? Those are those jokes that typically men say, where the main character is a blonde woman who ends up doing or saying something extremely dumb or unintelligent. Yeah. I have had my fair share of those jokes directed at me. So because of this, or along with this, people think we are less intelligent than our brunette counterparts. They don't take us as seriously, they think we only like to have fun, and have no real substance that could turn into a long term friendship or relationship. Back in my college days, I can't tell you the number of times I had a conversation with someone I had just met either from another school or at my own school where their first question was: "So what sorority are you in?" which followed with me explaining that I do not belong to one, them having a shocked look on their face and preceding to tell me that that's weird because "I look like the type of girl that would be in one". You should have seen the look on people's faces when I told them I go to school full time, work 3 jobs, and drink maybe once a month. And by drink I mean go to happy hour with my mom. Now I live in Budapest. I look and dress relatively the same. And even 6000 miles away I still get the same comments. I started a new job 3 months ago and my co-workers told me recently that they are extremely fond of me now but originally thought I was some blonde American biotch who was going to get on their nerves. But apparently I proved them wrong. When people realize I am more interested in culture and literature than partying and drinking, the bubble that they so naively put me into suddenly burst. I'm not saying blondes have a hard life. I have had my fair share of embarrassing and unintelligent moments, but that doesn't make me dumb and shallow. At the end of the day I am not a blonde who likes movies and reading books before bedtime, but an intelligent, independent, and put-together woman who just happens to have blonde hair. #dianasays

Absolutely false! Most definitely not true that blondes have more fun than brunettes. Being a natural brunette myself, (and determined to stay one with a little help, "because I'm worth it”), I can attest to having just as much fun as any of you blondes are having out there. Is it because perhaps we are actually smarter than blondes? Without a doubt we are! Alright, of course I am just kidding as I often do with my own beautiful and intelligent blonde daughter. I am for sure guilty of playing jokes on her, but how can you not? Must not have been easy for her living with 3 brunettes in one household and being the subject of our witty fun.

When I was expecting Diana, I always dreamed of having a blonde little girl with blue eyes, clear opposite of my own looks. And my dream came true. I got my cute, blue eyed, blonde baby girl, who when entered this world barely cried but instead was looking around in the delivery room as if she was already completely aware of her surroundings. The delivery nurse looked at me and said knowingly: “This baby is going to be a very special, intelligent girl”. Was she ever so right!

Even in today’s society blondes are looked at differently. According to numerous studies, apparently men, and especially European males, favor blonde women and associate sexiness and fun personalities with their golden locks. Think about some of Hollywood’s most iconic actresses, famous not only for their talent but their gorgeous blonde hair such as Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, and Farrah Fawcett, just to mention a few. But despite enjoying the jokes myself, I really do not like to stereotype people for their looks, colors or religion. My oldest daughter is blonde, my best friends are mostly blondes as well. Surprisingly my tennis partners’ have always been blonde ones, which makes me wonder if that is the reason why I am always the one who remembers the scores correctly…see how hard it is to stop the “dumb blonde” jokes?:)

OK, let’s talk about the real problems blondes versus brunettes have. Shaving/waxing to start. Blondes can go forever without actually shaving, yet they complain about visible hair on their legs which us brunettes cannot even see up close with a magnifying glass. Now for us brunettes, razors and hot waxes are our best friends. Daily. But guess what! We actually wake up with eyebrows and eyelashes! Not like blondes who will have to spend endless hours in front of the mirror drawing them on their faces and painting their lashes each morning. Consequently, we do pluck more. All the time. Unwanted dark hair can appear anywhere, anytime, without warning. Getting older sucks for brunettes as well, our grey's stick out like a sore thumb (not that I have any...). Again blondes constantly complain about their invisible grey roots. Seriously? But at least we can bravely dive into the pool without worrying about our hair turning green. Many of our favorite Disney princesses are blonde. Yet my blonde daughter wanted to be Pocahontas for Halloween. Imagine the struggle my mother had with her costume. And last, when you are a brunette, people just assume you are smart and know all the answers. (I usually do). Blondes do not have to worry about it, they can just pretend to be “dumb”.:) #mommydearest