It is not enough to be anti-racist, we need to be actively anti-racist. That means educating ourselves, understanding where we can support, and speaking out.
There are so many great resources, petitions, websites available to do just that – in an effort to help sort through all of the information, we have created this blog post as a guide for you during this time.
Here are the 5 +1 ways you can support your Black community today.
1. Educate Yourself
More than anything, the first step is to educate yourself. Especially as white people, we need to understand what our Black brothers and sisters are going through. Here is a list of shows, movies, podcasts, and books to start with:
2. Follow people on social media
There are many people speaking up about the current issues – and there are a variety of experts and activists that provide great information and resources. Social media is an easy way to digest all the information, so here are a few Instagram accounts and hashtags that you could follow for more information:
3. Teach others
Although your personal education should never stop, you have a duty to educate those around you. This starts with your family – and especially your children. Read them books, show them movies – teach them about racism and how despite our differences in race, we should all love and respect each other as equals.
Have those difficult conversations with your family members and friends – don’t sit by while people comment racial slurs – they may not mean to be offensive, but this is the time to correct them and teach them what we should and should not say. Words are extremely powerful, and we need to ensure everything we say creates positivity, rather than a divide.
4. Donate
There are many organizations that are accepting donations – whether it’s for bailouts of those protesters in jail, criminal justice organizations, or for the families who have lost loved ones – every dollar counts! Here are a few of the organizations you can donate to:
5. Vote & sign petitions
It is crucial that the people that hold power in office are supporters and vocal about anti-racism. It is imperative that you get out and VOTE. Yes, the presidential elections are important, but the state and local officials are the ones who can make real change within the police and your communities. These include your mayors, county executives, and district and state attorneys.
There are also other ways you can show your support, including signing petitions. Here are a few petitions you can sign:
6. Bonus – Black owned eateries in SD
Since one of us lives in San Diego, we wanted to share a post we saw about Black owned eateries in San Diego. It is important to support local, Black owned businesses in general, but especially during this time. Here is a list of some of those eateries which are black-owned in San Diego:
Please let us know if there is anything else we should add to this list!
We are also providing FREE 1 hour coaching sessions for the Black community, as we know this is a very stressful and difficult time, and we want to support in any way that we can. Please reach out to us here or at