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Happy New Year everyone! Sorry we have been a bit MIA but we are back now, better than ever and ready to start out the new year with a bang! Speaking of new year, do you guys believe in new year's resolutions? Honestly, I don't. I think they are fabricated pieces of one's imagination which makes us feel better when we deep dive into the start of a new year. Resolutions, especially the cliché ones, often don't last very long and take an emotional toll on a person. If you want to change something about your life, why wait until the new year? Why not just start doing it the minute it enters your head as something you want to change about your life? If I want to start eating healthier, or workout more, which are my current goals, I start doing it now and don't wait until the new year. I do it because it's something I feel will change my life and better me as a person and not because of social pressure often put upon us after the holidays to "better ourselves". 

But on a positive note, Christmas was a success (presents-wise anyways...) and I got this super cute dress from my mom which I absolutely love! Flower print is totally in this year, and the blue color makes it perfect for winter. I paired it with a black belt, a faux fur vest to offset the material, and faux velvet knee-high boots (which have been my staple this winter)! What do you guys think? 

Dress: Express

Belt: Limited

Vest: Bershka

Boots: CCC