
Welcome to our world of Travel, Fashion, Lifestyle & Food through the eyes of  a mother-daughter duo.



Summer is coming! Isn't that what everyone says around this time of year? There's this pressure to get fit and fabulous before bathing suit season, and often times it's easier said than done! I myself have fallen into the haze of mild freak-outs when thinking of myself in a teeny tiny bathing suit in just a few short months. Over the last year I have really made a conscious effort to not just binge workout or eat healthy, but totally change my lifestyle. This comes after many years of struggling with my weight and self-esteem. When I was 16 I gained close to 30 pounds over the course of several months that would stay on me for the next 4 years. While I was in college I was able to lose about 20 pounds but still yo-yoing up and down as the seasons changed. In June of 2015 I moved out on my own, to a new country, and decided to reinvent myself in terms of my physical and mental well-being. After trying a variety of different approaches, I have found one that works best for me. My routine consists of an assortment of healthy snacks, whole wheat carbs, lots of fruits, vegetables, and protein, and limited sweets (usually only on cheat days) or during non-cheat days, then sugar free or dark chocolate versions. This has allowed me to eat everything I love and enjoy, but in a more balanced way. In terms of exercise, my goal is to work out 3 days a week. Lately I have gotten into a great routine of mixing different workouts including running, swimming, and the gym which has really made me enjoy working out even more. These changes have had a tremendous impact on not only my weight, but how I feel about myself physically and emotionally. Obviously I still have days where I might not be 100% comfortable with myself, but after many years of physical and emotional work I can say that I am not only down 30 pounds, but I also have more confidence, I feel physically better, and I am the happiest I have ever been. #dianasays

What can I say? Just few days ago it was 95 degrees here, not a cloud in the sky, contemplated turning on the air conditioning. I know it is not fair to tease the rest of the population outside of San Diego, but we did have our fair share of winter weather as well, temperatures dipping into the 40s and 50s with crazy storms and rainfall. We understand that the rest of the country considers our whining about the weather ridiculous but sitting for a couple of hours with temps in the 40's accompanied by chilly winds while watching your daughter play soccer with her high school team deserves some sympathy.

But considering we are living in a beach town with ever changing temperatures from hot summer to colder rainy days, one can be invited over to someone's pool or for a beach outing any time of the year. So, the idea of getting into a swimsuit seems to be a year round struggle. I have to admit, I am extremely conscious about my weight and workout routine. I love food so much that for keeping my weight in balance, I have to be physically active all the time. Don’t think it is an obsession, I am definitely not an out of control crazy gym rat, but I do have a regular routine. I refuse to give up my bread, pasta, cheese, chocolate and wine, just to mention a few of my favorites. I have struggled myself with my weight after my second pregnancy and it took me years to feel normal again. It is eye opening and definitely makes you face the truth when someone confronts you with the question of "when is your baby due?" yet your baby is already sitting next to you in his stroller.

Nowadays, I workout in the gym two to three times a week and play competitive tennis twice a week as well. At my age working out is essential for staying healthy and preventing aches and injuries, but also great for clearing my mind, not just keeping my weight in control. I also watch what I buy, no foods with preservatives, mostly organic veggies and fruits, no antibiotics in my meats. As a friend of mine advised me, nothing with more than 4-6 ingredients, most definitely nothing with content in it you cannot pronounce. OK, occasionally I do give in to the persistent begging of my kids and buy a big bag of Lay's potato chips, family size of course. Go big or go home. The bag never makes it into our house untouched, somehow it just opens up and begs me to taste it. "Seriously Mom?". Then hopefully we finish it the same day so it does not tempt me in our pantry calling my name over and over again.

As a parent of three children who have different body types and metabolisms, it is a challenging task to tackle one’s weight issues. Being a mom comes with huge responsibilities, teaching your children to eat right, setting the example for a healthy lifestyle. But sometimes the problem is way more complicated. There is nothing more painful for a parent than watching your child struggle with self-image and confidence issues. How do you talk to your daughter about her weight? How do you even approach the subject without hurting her feelings even more? How do you explain why your son can consume the content of the entire refrigerator and the pantry in one sitting and not put on a single pound? You serve the same dinner, you set the same rules and standards. All of them are active with sports and yet there is still a noticeable difference. Where do you draw the line for trying to help or cause more damage? I have definitely made some changes in how I handle the subject with my youngest daughter, learning from my mistakes along the way.

I have to say I am so proud of Diana for achieving balance in her life, finding herself as a woman, making the right choices and figuring out what works for her and what makes her feel good. I know it was a long and painful road but to see her now as a confident, beautiful young woman is more than a mother could ask for.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this, please, share your ideas, opinions, and stories with us in the comments below. #mommydearest