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The first kiss with a new person is literally the scariest and possibly the most exciting thing that can happen in the dating world. At least for me. It’s always a thrill, whether good or bad. My very first kiss seemed amazing at the time, in front of the movie theater with my first boyfriend just after he asked me to be his girlfriend. In hindsight I realized that what I should have paid attention to was the fact that he said my name wrong when he asked me out and my whole soccer team just happened to be at the movies to see the whole production. (Sigh). Since then, I have had first kisses in front of Starbucks, on a friends couch while she was making out with her boyfriend two feet from me, on the corner of a busy street at midnight in Budapest, in a dorm room, drunk at a club on my 21st birthday, and in a car, just to name a few. I can confidentially say I am well-rounded in the first kiss department and have had my fair share of both good and not so good first kisses. The majority of them led to less than happy times, but there were a select, and I mean really select, few that continued with excitement and anticipation for either months or years to come. Looking back, the first kiss really defined whether or not the relationship was going to last for a significant time or not. It’s chemistry. You either have it, or you don’t. It isn’t something you can force, and it’s hard to come back from if not executed properly. Luckily, I have learned from my vast array of experiences and can better determine who I think will be an adequate partner in both the kissing department, and otherwise. Which is really the goal anyways, right? To achieve the “otherwise”, whatever that means…  ;) #dianasays

This really makes me smile...thinking of my very first kiss. Funny how nearly 3 decades passed and I still remember almost every single little detail of the unforgettable experience of stepping into early adult hood. Well, I know what you are thinking but oh no, this was not the special magical moment I had been waiting for. In fact, my entire 15 year old body and mind was extremely grossed out by the new experience. Popular, handsome boy, double date at the movies, holding hands, clumsily trying to put his arms around me. Suddenly that fateful 7 seconds of horror began, which seemed to last a lifetime. I expected that special, magical feeling; instead I got a slimy, slobbery, way too invasive first kiss, which consequently landed me in the bathroom rinsing out my mouth for several, never-ending minutes, perhaps hours! Now I am laughing, what was I thinking, right? Thankfully my disastrous encounter of that very first kiss did not scar me for life, and with a bit more practice and experience I do have to agree; kissing is special, the first kiss is very important, whether it is your very first or the first with your potential new love. It could be soft and gentle but very sensual or perhaps passionately electrifying making you feel completely out of control… Either way, it will determine whether you are heading towards a passionate love affair or staying in the “just friends” zone. Here is to many amazing, “sweep you off your feet, slightly lift your leg” first kisses! #mommydearest