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Cold season is upon us, and in an effort to stay healthy, and eat good food, I decided to whip up a quick soup! What’s great about this recipe is that it requires minimal ingredients, and it’s super easy to make. You can make this recipe extra creamy by adding some cream, but since I’m intolerant to dairy, I always make everything dairy free. Serve it with bread, cheese chips, or tortilla chips!

Ingredients (about 6 servings):

  • 3 large sweet potatoes, peeled, chopped

  • 1 carrot, peeled, chopped

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 6-8 cups of vegetable soup (depends on how thick you like it)

  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg

  • salt & pepper to taste

Take your carrot and sweet potatoes, and peel them. Then chop them into small circles (for carrots) and squares (for potatoes). Peel the garlic.

In a large pot on medium heat, add olive oil. Add garlic using a garlic presser (or chop with a knife).

Add chopped carrots and sweet potatoes into the pot. Cook for about 5 minutes until you start to smell the sweet fragrance of the potatoes. Then add your vegetable soup, or if you’re like me, add 6 cups of boiling water and add 3 cubes of vegetable stock (ain’t nobody got time to make homemade soup). Bring soup to a boil, and then turn down to medium heat, and cook until potatoes and carrots are soft when a fork is pressed into them.

Once vegetables are soft, take the pot off of the heat. Use a food mill (used for pureeing soups) and cream your soup until all of the big vegetable pieces are creamed. You can also put the soup into a blender. Taste the soup, and add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Mix it up, garnish it with your favorite toppings and you are ready to go. Enjoy!