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Many of you expressed interest in having different options for our recipes. More and more people have diatery restrictions or preferences regarding food choices. As my partner in crime, my first born baby being one of them, having a severe intolerance to dairy products, we decided to offer options or substitutions for our ingredients where possible to please the gluten-free, dairy sensitive, refined sugar free - or perhaps vegan foodies as well.

This super simply but tasty recipe was created for and tested on my tennis team, and our opposition - to both teams’ delight. My girls are becoming famous for our ‘after match snacks’ - my tennis gals are becoming quite a gourmet little group of women and as their captain, I always like to come up with something new and tasty with an appetizing presentation, hoping our opponents let us win…wishful thinking. Alright, these flavorful roll-ups are the perfect finger food for parties, easy to pack lunch food for your kids and hubby, or for summer snacks and a light dinner. Let’s get to work!


  • 1 large chicken breast cooked & shredded (For vegetarian, use boiled eggs; for vegan, use beans and cooked & chopped broccoli)

  • 1 large avocado

  • 1 large red pepper chopped

  • 1-2 cups of arugula salad

  • 1 cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese (Or use vegan cheese or omit)

  • 1 lemon

  • 1/2 cup of mayonnaise (Or use mustard or vegan mayonnaise)

  • salt & pepper to taste

  • 2 lavash bread or large tortillas (Or use gluten-free tortillas)

In a bowl gently mix shredded chicken, chopped red peppers, shredded cheese and chopped avocados.

A super easy way of cutting up your avocados, (see picture) half your avocado, remove seed, in skin make criss cross cuts then turn skin inside out directly into bowl.

Add juice of one lemon, half a cup of mayonaise and salt and pepper to taste. Mix again carefully not to break up ingredients.

Spread flatbread with chicken mix, garnish it with arugula, then carefully roll it up tight. Cut flatbread into 1 inch thick pieces.

Place pieces on serving plate for a party, pack it into lunch boxes for the kiddos. Now wasn’t that easy? Enjoy!