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I don't know about you, but I am at the point where my tolerance for winter has diminished to such a point where I feel like screaming everytime I look outside my window and see the grey, cloudy sky. It's depressing, unmotivating, and makes me not even want to get dressed in the morning. I have serious envy for all my fellow instagramers in warmer places or vacationing on the beach somewhere far from here. But until they invent some winter repelant that makes it all go away, I guess I will just have to bear through the next month or so before the weather peaks into the plus's and I can stop freezing everytime I open a window. 

To combat some of the cold and depression, one of my favorite weekend activities is BRUNCH! I love going to eat breakfast at a chic restaurant with delicious tea and coffee and creative alternatives to eggs and cereal. This Saturday was no exception, and as for my attire, I, as usual, decided to wear all black with a pop of off-white (I'm in mourning over the weather, obviously). My sweater is extremely soft and warm and fits beautifully over black, high-wasted pants and a long sleeved shirt. I added a belt to accessorize a tad, and wore ankle boots in strike over the coldness that was around me. My beanie is not so much a fashion statement as it is a cry for my head to not freeze off. And to finish my look. I'm wearing by bag, mini tote, that my brother gave me for Christmas- which I love! It's small enough to hang over my shoulder, but big enough to hold all of the million things I bring with me every time I leave the house. I did have a coat on, of course, but took it off for the shots, and literally almost freezed to death, but anything for fashion, right?

Beanie: H&M

Sweater: Stradivarius

Pants: Zara

Belt: H&M