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Milan was calling my name this past weekend. We arrived on Friday morning, like really early, and spent the day walking around the city, visiting the Duomo, of course, and eating delicious foods. For our 4 day trip, I decided to plan my outfits out before-hand, something I'm really working on doing. I try them all on before I even pack them so I can see how I feel, how I look, and make adjustments accordingly. This has helped me get past the moments when I open up my suitcase and have a meltdown, thinking nothing looks cute or works with what I had imagined - or the mornings when I wake up from having too much pizza and Aperol spritzer and realize nothing fits the way I had thought it did in my head. The weather was a little cooler so I went with a cropped, rip jean, a green blouse, and sandals. I accented the outfit with gold jewelry which looks so beautiful on green. The outfit is casual and comfortable, but what really steals the show is the beautiful Duomo behind me, making the outfit that much more chic.