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We are moving! Which means endless amounts of packing, or rather, in my case, the intention to pack but then getting sidetracked by baking or watching re-runs of shows on TLC. But what's great about a new apartment is that I now get some new scenery for my fashion posts! My new street resides in a trendy, up-and-coming district of Budapest filled with beautiful trees and greenery alongside the typical pile of cars. I am wearing one of my favorite new dresses, which was actually a gift from my lovely mother for Christmas- something I could wear to work at my (then) new job. It's a button down dress with a tie at the waste and adjustable sleeves which is perfect when transitioning from season to season. The color is also super MAJ, complementing my blue eyes and blonde hair. It's also super comfortable, and you can pair it with flats or heels, depending on your mood and will to walk in less than comfortable shoes for the day. I definitely get a lot of looks when I wear this dress. Its cute, classy, and the perfect chic summer outfit for the office.