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I haven't worn white pants in years...literally YEARS. I think they are unflattering, show all your flaws, and make you seem bigger than you are. I see skinny girls walking around in white pants all the time and feel so jealous that white pants look good on them and not on me. Maybe this was just my lack of body confidence, but after many years of white pant depression, I finally decided that I could start to consider wearing them again. So I looked, and I looked, and I looked. And lo and behold, after 2 years of searching, I finally found a white pant I didn't hate. Actually, I really like them. So they're hanging in my closet and catch my glance everytime I open the doors, never daring to actually consider putting them on. Summer passes, and white pants are no longer logical to wear, so they go into the box with all the other summer clothes in hibernation for winter. So winter passes, it's summer again, and all the summer clothes, including the infamous "white pant" come out to play again. And this time they are calling my name. My consideration of wearing them turns into actually trying them on in my apartment with different shirts and shoes. Of course, I never actually end up wearing it out. So when it was time to take photos for this week, I decided that I was going to face my fear, put on the pants, and shoot pictures in them. I admit, I did have to psych myself up for this, and after doing so, I was pleasantly surprised by how good the pant looked on me! And now that I have conquered my fear, I can now pull out the white pant from my closet whenever I feel like it and confidently wear it, even in public ;)