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So you thought Italian food makes you forget?? Yeah, then I guess you have never had Pálinka. Pálinka is a traditional Hungarian, fruit based alcoholic drink that is so strong you could probably get drunk just from the smell of it, if you aren't used to it, of course ;) We went to my boyfriend's hometown for the weekend to attend the annual pálinka festival which is filled with great, local Hungarian musicians, delicious food, the soccer games (Hungary happened to be playing that day), and of course the ever famous alcoholic drink. Unlike most other trips, I decided to try something new and plan my outfits out ahead of time. Usually I pick out a bunch of bottoms (pants, skirts, etc.) and then pick tops that could match. The problem is that I always end up not liking what I brought and feeling uncomfortable. So this time, I decided to try everything on BEFORE the trip and plan out full outfits. To my surprise, not only did this lighten the load regarding the amount of clothes I packed, I also felt much better when getting dressed each day. This also meant that I didn't spend mindless amounts of time picking out the perfect outfit for this week's post. My boyfriend had the genius (although I didn't admit this to him) idea to take the pictures on top of the roof of his parent's apartment building. The weather was amazing, the lighting perfection, and the black, long skirt and off the shoulder white top really put the icing on the cake. I can promise that I will live in this top all summer. Not only is it super chic, but it is also comfortable, flattering, and was really inexpensive. Win-win. So whether I'm walking around the city, having coffee, yelling at the TV screen during the Euro cup, or indulging in some Hungarian adult beverages, I know I will be both comfortable and chic doing it.