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My best friend and I, who was visiting me from the far away land of Boston, decided to take a day trip to Vienna while she was here. Trying to master the "touristy-chic" look, I raided my closet the night before in an attempt to find something both cute and practical for the long day we had ahead of us. The weather application on my phone insisted that it would be nice, but I was rather skeptical, so I wore a knit black dress with converse, for comfort, and a grey sweater and spring jacket, figuring I could take off or put on layers depending on how the day progressed. It turned out to be so hot that I simply took off both my coat and jacket and kept it in my magenta backpack the entire day. Luckily, the dress by itself was rather cute; comfortable, yet not too revealing, leaving room for the massive amount of Sacher cake that I ate, very fitting considering Schonbrunn was once a temporary home for Marie Antoinette, leading eventually to her famous line during her French days, "Let them eat cake". Amongst the other tourists, I felt more like a local, maybe a student, considering I wasn't dressed in the typical American tourist apparel. Multiple times people starting speaking to me in German, a language I am rather unfamiliar with other than yes, no, thank you, and goodbye. The outfit turned out to be a success and my comfort level with wearing dresses and converse together has skyrocketed immensely. Maybe I'll start incorporating it into my daily wardrobe routine. Vienna really seemed to like it anyways. #dianasays