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One would think that at my age major breakouts would be bad memories of the past, but lately I'm having some serious skin problems. I suspect that a change in my pill is interfering with my hormone levels, but it also made me evaluate my otherwise pretty pathetic skin care routine. Living in San Diego is rough enough on my skin due to constant sun exposure. I am also not big on using foundation every day, consequently I am not very good at applying daily sunscreen either. Of course for outside activities such as tennis or taking the kids to the beach, I would definitely use sun protection but I think I often ignore the fact that even sitting in the car and driving around town exposes my skin to the harmful UV rays.

A couple of years ago I noticed an increase in sun spots and decided to find some solution to brighten my skin. I visited Sephora at Fashion Valley in San Diego and asked one of the consultants for some help. Her first question was about my skin cleaning routine. I innocently told her that my “routine” consists of cleaning my face with a cream based face scrub while taking a shower. Kill two birds with one scrub, I mean stone.  She literally almost fainted and screamed the product’s name out loud to make sure that every single beauty assistant in the store could hear; expressing dismay and gasping with her in sheer horror. Yes, I have been publicly shamed. Honestly, how do I get myself into these situations?

So, I started using a different face cleaning product, not necessarily because I felt bullied to do so but perhaps thinking that my fairly good skin genes will not last forever. The latest zit outbreaks on my forehead accompanied by eczema-like dry patches around my eyes just assured me further that I need to make some changes. Considering my kids all had issues with acne, simply being part of becoming a teenager, I always made sure that they had proper face cleaning products and practiced good hygiene, including my girls removing their makeup at night. Practice what you preach, right? Well, the truth is I am horrible at this. My everyday makeup routine is a simple mascara and eyeliner, and to the disapproval of my girls sometimes I do go to bed without taking it off. In my defense, I do use nice products. Absolutely love Lancôme mascaras, have been using them forever. As for my eyeliner, my choice is Dior, tried a lot of different brands but always went back to this Trinidad black waterproof eyeliner. Does not smudge off, does not deposit on my face anywhere else, yes even while I sleep. I know, most of you are mortified, justifiably.

I made the decision to start a new routine and take better care of my skin. From this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, I will clean my face every single night and morning, until I run out of face cleaner. Seriously, I am going to try out some new products, not only face cleaners but also daily moisturizers and perhaps the dreaded age defying creams as well. I promise to keep you all updated on my progress and recommendations, so please do check back with us. If you have helpful ideas, let us know in the comments below. #mommydearest

Cringe is probably the word I would use to describe the above confessions, which I was already (unfortunately) privy to. My skincare routine is a far cry from my mother's. Maybe it was the generation I grew up in, or the idealized form of beauty that surrounds my everyday life, but I am a firm believer in the more the better. In terms of washing my face, I use two different Philosophy face washes; one in the morning that is a light scrub and one in the evening that is more cream-based and soothes my skin. I also use Clinique's face gel after both my morning and evening face wash. This really helps keep my oily face in check, my skin soft, and breakouts at bay. Usually, anyways. 

Now as for makeup, what can I say...I will never have enough. I have drawers and boxes full of mascara, eye shadow, lipsticks, and eyeliners, just to name a few. I pack that shit on. Every day. Now, I want to highlight the fact that although I do wear a fair amount of makeup on an average day, I am not talking about Kim Kardashian contouring and eye makeup. My typical makeup for a typical day consists of a foundation, a powder, eyebrow pencil, eyebrow gel, mascara, under-eye concealer, bronzer, blush, and lately a highlighter (as I am really ready for the dewy spring look). When I go out and dress up I tend to add a winged eyeliner (my favorite) and maybe some eye shadow and extra face contours. Now this may seem like a lot, but you have to understand the challenges of being blonde. As a natural blonde, besides the obvious blonde jokes I suffer from hearing on a daily basis, I also have relatively non-existent eyebrows and blonde eyelashes. What does this mean? It means without makeup my face looks bland. My only savior is that I have blue eyes and so even without makeup it doesn't look entirely dreadful. BUT, makeup really helps bring out my best features that would be otherwise lost in my more dull complexion. I have spent countless hours watching YouTube makeup tutorials, going into Sephora and stores alike when buying products and asking the makeup artists about various tips and tricks for makeup application. And I can say my hard work has paid off. There is no better feeling when someone tells you how great your makeup looks. Of course, I don't mention the 50 tries it took to get my winged eyeliner even on both sides, maxing out my Q-tip usage for the month...

The other issue: Skin. I'm 22 years old and for whatever reason cannot get rid of all my damn breakouts. They have gotten better over the years, but my skin just isn't so pretty without makeup on. I also have fair skin so in the wintertime when I'm pale as snow it often looks red and uneven. So that's when makeup comes to the rescue. Makeup helps me feel and look beautiful, even if my skin isn't behaving on that particular day. I also only use the best products, which I believe helps keep my skin stay as nice as possible even with the daily wear of makeup. Maybe in time I will decrease my makeup usage, but for now I love waking up in the morning before work and transforming my face into a beautifully structured, even, bright, and striking image. For me makeup is not just about the end goal, but the process, one I love and will continue to do as long as my face and bank account permits it. #dianasays