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I hope everyone had a very Happy Easter! I ended up going with my boyfriend to his parents’ town which is just over two hours from Budapest. The inner city itself is rather small, and by small I mean there are no physical stoplights. But the neighboring areas are filled with beautiful greenery and flowers, especially in the summertime. They also have this summer house which is quite small, but the backyard is huge and perfect for barbecues and playing outdoor games when the weather approves. It looks like a scene from a movie, staring off into the distance seeing nothing but trees and flowers and greenery for miles and miles. Before we left for the weekend, I attempted to clean out my closet and hang up more spring appropriate outfits which turned into all of my spring clothes being laid out across my couch in one heaping mess. In this mess, I was able to locate one of my favorite maxi dresses and my leather jacket, which I will probably wear non-stop until summer approaches. The maxi dress is long and made of a thicker material which keeps me warm, yet sleeveless for when I almost overheat in the office. The leather jacket gives the feminine dress a cool edge, while keeping me warm. Shoes aren’t particularly visible, so I just wear whatever is the most comfortable. Animal print is a must in my book, and this dress has such a great color without being too overwhelming. The flowy material also makes it ideal for when your mother-in-law makes endless amounts of sweet treats and you want to eat them all without having to worry about a tight fitted outfit. You get to binge eat, while still looking chic. Nothing better than that. 

Diana <3