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I cannot remember where I saw this recipe but I clearly remember the word “Nutella” capturing my imagination. Tiramisu always held a special place in my heart but adding Nutella to the mix just sounded heavenly. With very few ingredients, here is my version of this delightful and easy dessert which I prepared for my kids this Valentine’s day. Makes 4 servings. 


  • 16 ounces of mascarpone
  •  6 tbsp. of Nutella
  •  8 ounces of whipped cream
  •  20-24 ladyfingers
  •  2 cups of coffee
  •  Cocoa powder and raspberries for decoration
  •  Optional: ¼ of a cup coffee liquor or brandy, or cognac

Brew the coffee, either use a regular coffee maker or boil a couple of cups of water and add instant coffee. Pour coffee into a shallow dish and let it cool completely. If you would like to add coffee liquor or any other alcoholic beverage, add it to the cold coffee. Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl stir the mascarpone and Nutella together, using an electrical mixer until smooth and fluffy. Gently fold in 4 tablespoons of whipped cream to loosen up the mixture; set aside.

Choose 4 cups (I used wine glasses to give it a more festive look). Break each piece of ladyfinger into two and quickly dip it into the coffee. Ladyfingers are very dense, so make sure you use a fork and quickly turn it around and lift it out of the coffee. Otherwise it will soak up too much liquid and will fall apart right away.

Spread a thin layer of the mixture onto the bottom of the glass, then place the ladyfingers on top, about four halves, then a layer of the mascarpone mixture again. Repeat these steps until you fill the glass, leaving room for a scoop of whipped cream at the top. Sprinkle cocoa powder on top of whipped cream and decorate it with raspberries. Cool in refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours. Remove from refrigerator about a half hour before serving. Enjoy as much as we did! #mommysvalentines